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Amy Webb: How I hacked online dating . The dates she liked didn't write her back, and her own profile attracted crickets (and worse). So, as any fan of data would do: she started making a spreadsheet. Hear the story of how she went on to hack her online dating life — with frustrating, funny and life- changing results.
- Nick Paumgarten on Internet dating, from its beginnings as computerized quizzes to its current incarnation in the form of apps and Web sites like Match.
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- You gals asked for it, so here it is, ladies. A handy little woman’s guide to the world of online dating or what some might affectionately call “The Twilight Zone.”.
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Online dating is not an effortless endeavor: you are confronted with many, minuscule choices as you try to convey just how awesome you are. And while those micro.