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At this moment, the idea that we’re on the brink of electric cars becoming cheaper to build than combustion cars is getting a lot of traction, along with the idea. A Google ingyenes szolgáltatása azonnal lefordítja a szavakat, kifejezéseket és weboldalakat a magyar és 100 további nyelv kombinációjában. Bettie Adams. Graveside services for longtime Seminole resident Bettie Mae (Stephenson) Adams are scheduled for 2 p.m. Thursday at Little Cemetery with Rev. Violence is defined by the World Health Organization as "the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or.

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ARISKey Industry News Click a headline for full story. External news sites may require registration with the site prior to viewing the complete article. January 1. 2, 2. 01. Follow ARIS on Linked. In and Twitter. ARIS NEWS RELEASE - To our ARIS Alerts Subscribers: As ARIS enters its second decade of serving the international art industry, we invite you to follow us on Linked. In and Twitter, where we will continue to communicate important issues and developments about art asset integrity and ARIS. Widmaier- Picasso in November 2.

Gagosian recently sold the sculpture to a New York collector who expects to receive it following its exhibition in the Mo. MA . Hejailan- Amon is seeking an injunction to stop the sale of the Basquiat on the basis that the work is marital property and Mr. Amon lacked legal authority to consign it. November 2, 2. 01. Authenticating art with bioengineered DNA: The IP issues. LAW 3. 60 - The i. M authentication system is a new standards- based technology developed in collaboration with the not- for- profit Global Center of Innovation for i.

M Standards to provide a universal, industry- wide solution to the long- standing challenges of faked, forged and stolen art in the global market. Koch sued several parties including the consignor Eric Greenberg for knowingly selling two dozen counterfeit Bordeaux bottles at a 2. Koch alleged that Greenberg knew that the wine was inauthentic but concealed this fact.

Greenberg contended that the . The Court, however, found that contractual disclaimer did not absolve the seller of fraud. Sales agreements are not bulletproof and will not protect sellers from fraud or negligent misrepresentation related to authenticity or title challenges.

Sellers including those operating with fiduciary duties must be careful to align their knowledge about the authenticity and ownership of works for sale with their contractual or statutorily implied representations and warranties in the transaction. Perry Golkin have sued the gallery Danese Corey in New York state court to recover the nearly $9. K purchase price paid for a stolen Jasper Johns painting. Despite Greene's representation on title, which may or may not have been part of the donation- annuity agreement, Greene has failed to provide any documentation establishing the provenance and clear legal of the five subject objects. The museum raised the title issue after seven other artifacts in its collection were seized by U. S. Department of Homeland Security as looted by the New York- dealer Subhash Kapoor, who faces criminal charges in India for operating a $1. India. These objects may have been illegally obtained or illegally exported and imported by Kapoor.

This case represents the shift over the past ten years in the strengthening of museum acquisition standards on authenticity, title and cultural patrimony laws. See ARIS white paper .

Nonprofit Museum Community Including General Museums and University Museums. Fine art world is rocked as top Mayfair dealer is sued by his clients over missing millions. DAILY MAIL - The once highly- respected art dealer Timothy Sammons is facing claims in London and New York filed by several wealthy clients including the W. H. Smith family trust, who were allegedly not paid sales proceeds by Mr. Sammons for their Van Gogh, Canaletto, Picasso, Modigliani and other artworks.

See also ARIS News, May 2. See Barron's, May 1. Miner stole Ty Cobb (1. MLB centerfielder) memorabilia and then sold some of the objects including a bat, ball and letters to the Tigers.

Buyers should be aware that title claims can derive from others. The Holocaust museum Yad Vashem claims it acquired legal ownership of the papers in 1. Oskar's mistress.

But a friend and heir of Oskar's estranged widow also claims to have title through Mrs. Schindler's marital rights. Allbritton, co- executor of her late husband Joe L. Allbritton strongly disputes any such transfers and points out that there is no documentary evidence showing the alleged changes in ownership. Greenspon contends that his sister had a conflict of interest in selling the painting to a friend and at an artificially low price. Greenspon, who is a co- executor of the father's estate along with her mother, denies any wrongdoing and reportedly did not receive a commission for the sales.

Weldon and her husband purchased the painting in good faith from a Swiss art dealer, who acquired the work at a Christie's auction in the Netherlands in 1. The Weldon family contends that their title should be upheld as Stasi actions were lawful governmental acts. Experts estimate that the Stasi seized more than 2.

October 2. 1, 2. 01. Trustee to probe whether Robert Truland paid a fair price for company artwork. WASHINGTON BUSINESS JOURNAL - A bankruptcy trustee is investigating whether Robert Truland, CEO of the largest Washington, D.

C.- based electrical company, paid fair market value for dozens of artworks which he purchased from his company four months before his company filed for Chapter 7 liquidation in United States Bankruptcy Court in the Eastern District of Virginia. Wang, a renowned, early collector of classical Chinese paintings, has disputed in Surrogate's Court in Manhattan the validity of two competing wills and the ownership of hundreds of artworks worth an estimated $6. New litigation filed in New York state and federal court contends that tens to hundreds of artworks from the Wang collection and Wang estate are missing because of alleged theft, unauthorized transfers and illegal sham sales by family members. Wang dispute highlights the common title risk of unauthorized transfers in the context of estate or divorce disputes. Parks and a probate committee refused to consign Ms. With court approval, the auction house eventually sold Ms. September 5, 2. 01.

The heir. Maier died in 2. Maier's closest living relative and sole heir. Until the estate litigation is resolved, which could take several years, it will be difficult for galleries to sell and museums to exhibit Maier's work. A Calabasas- based auction house sold the letter for $1. August 1. 8, 2. 01. More hospitals use the healing powers of public art.

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL - Hospitals are increasingly buying art and have multi- million dollar budgets (from philanthropy or built into construction budgets) to commission art in light of recent studies which suggest that certain art reduces stress, anxiety, pain and otherwise increases patient medical care. Sotheby's acknowledged that Ms. Kwok is an innocent party to the transactions. This trend may be due to the globalization of the art market, the convenience of not traveling to attend auctions or in general the long- standing desire of buyers to maintain their anonymity.

District Court for the Southern District of New York against the University of Oklahoma, its Board of Regents and the President of the University raises questions of director and officer liability for the university leaders. While entities are facing greater scrutiny from the public and legislators about historical decisions pertaining to acquisitions (even acquisitions made in the past decade), institutions' D& O policies may provide no or limited coverage for institutional and individual art acquisition related claims. Garvey is seeking to stop the Archdiocese of Philadelphia from selling privately at Christie.

Sterling with his stamp collection, asserts that Mr. Sterling gifted him these stamps. Kino, the sole beneficiary of Mr.

May 2, 2. 01. 4 - Selling a fake painting takes more than a good artist. THE NEW YORK TIMES - The civil and criminal cases unraveling the Knoedler & Company gallery.

April 1. 6, 2. 01. Van Gogh mystery: $1. M Nazi art collection leaves Greek woman broke. GREEK REPORTER - In November 2. Meletis Peppas (a Greek Captain of the Resistance during WWII who looted a Nazi train) discovered several of her father.

Peppas has sought to authenticate the works and to identify possible prior dispossessed owners. Peppas legal ownership of the works, no dealers, galleries, museums or auctions houses will sell or purchase objects in Ms.

Peppas and various experts have spent a decade researching the prior ownership and locations of the objects without success. Gurlitt was planning to return the painting to the heirs of the Paris art dealer Paul Rosenberg. Dempster, Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) of Sotheby. Meyer was unsuccessful in a lawsuit against a Swiss art dealer to recover the painting because his claim was deemed untimely under Swiss law after the five- year statute of limitations had passed. The painting has been exhibited at OU. Weitzenhoffer, good faith buyers who bought the painting from a New York gallery and were unaware of the prior Nazi theft. Johnson over Frank Lloyd Wright desk and chair.

ARTINFO - S. C. Johnson and Son, Inc., a multi- generational, family- owned consumer goods company based in Wisconsin, has sued Sotheby's and an unidentified consignor in United States District Court for the Southern District of New York to recover and to stop the sale of an iconic desk and chair designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1. The company alleges that the furniture was stolen because its policy is generally not to gift, sell or otherwise transfer Wright- commissioned furniture and it has documentation for all past gifts and loans of Wright furniture; but no such records for the offered items.

The consignor claims it acquired the desk and chair directly or from heirs of the chemist Elerslie E. Luther circa 1. 95. S. C. The company asserts that the Luther . Hoffman's death, Mrs.

Hoffman decided to sell the work privately and keep the transaction confidential to avoid speculation about her finances. Shindell, Chairman of U. Sex Dating In Dorchester Dorset on this page.

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