Dating High Iq Dating

Dating High Iq Dating

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Podcast: Dating Tips and Advice For Men. In today’s episode I talk to evolutionary psychologist Geoffrey Miller, who co- authored the book Mate: Become the Man Women Want with Tucker Max. You probably know Max from things like I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell, but these days, he’s married and has a kid, and was actually concerned that young men were using his “fratire” material as an honest- to- goodness guide to dating.

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Dating High Iq Dating

He wanted to write a book that would offer sound, research- backed advice for interacting with women instead, and so teamed up with Miller to execute the idea. In this podcast, Geoffrey and I discuss some myths of dating, the traits women find attractive in men, and concrete steps men can take to increase their dating value, and have more success with women. Whether you’re married or single, this is a fascinating podcast you won’t want to miss. Mate is a humorous, irreverent, but highly insightful book packed with researched- backed tips on how to improve your dating life.

I laughed out loud several times while reading it, while also finding a lot of it quite fascinating. But the interesting thing with Mate is that while the book is marketed as a how- to guide for dating, it’s really a book about how to become the best man you can be. Even if dating isn’t your top goal in life right now, you can still get a lot out of reading Mate. Pick up a copy today and be sure to visit Geoffrey’s and Tucker’s site The Mating Grounds for more free information.

Brett Mc. Kay: Brett Mc. Kay here and welcome to another edition of the Art of Manliness Podcast. A big part of our lives are relationships particularly relationships in the context of dating and mating can really have a big influence on what happiness and love mean but despite being such a big part of our lives, no one ever really sits you down and says, “Here’s what you need to do to have a successful dating life,” or, “Here’s what you need to do to have a successful marriage once you found the one.” We’re expected to figure this stuff out on our own. My guest today on the podcast argues that’s actually we’re setting a lot of people up for unhappiness and failure by not giving them a bit of advice on how they can have a successful dating and relationship life.

Dating High Iq Dating

In this podcast, Geoffrey Miller and I discuss some myths of dating, the traits women find attractive in men, and concrete steps men can take to increase their dating. Includes: high functioning autistic adults in the mainstream, challenges within the autism community, and seeking balance.

His name is Geoffrey Miller. He’s an evolutionary psychologist. He’s written several books on the topic of how evolutionary psychology influences our mating choices as well as consumer choices. He teamed up with Tucker Max. I just probably know Tucker from books like I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell and all that fratire stuff. They teamed up to write a book called Mate, all about the science of mating and dating. It’s packed with research- backed tips on what guys can do to make themselves more attractive to women, the traits they can develop, authentic traits that will make them attractive and the traits that will help them have a happy, long lasting relationship, really interesting book.

It’s fun to read. Today on the podcast, Geoffrey Miller and I talk about some of the research, talk about what you do to become more confident.

We talk about the traits that women look for in men. We talk about what you should look for in a woman depending on your relationship goals.

We talk about how even the place you live can affect your dating chances and some things you can do to change that. If you’re a single guy, a lot of great information for you. Even if you’re married, Geoffrey and I talk about how this research about the psychology of relationships can help you improve your marriage as well. Without further ado, Geoffrey Miller and Mate. Geoffrey Miller, welcome to the show.

Geoffrey Miller: It’s great to be here. Thanks, Brett. Brett Mc. Kay: Your book is Mate. It’s about the science of dating and mating and relating and all that jazz. You’re a evolutionary psychologist that’s written several books published in leading journals but you ended up partnering with Tucker Max on this book. I’m sure a lot of our listeners know him for his I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell. How did that partnership happen?

Geoffrey Miller: Granted it sounds like a bizarre match at first glance but actually, Tucker’s a really bright guy, knows a lot of the science already. What happened was I read an interview with Tucker by a friend of mine that had happened back in 2. Tucker clearly, he explicitly mentioned my first book, The Mating Mind, by name and said it had a big impact on him.

He clearly knew a lot about evolutionary psychology, my field and about sexual selection and animal behavior. I e- mailed him 2. We started corresponding. We got together for dinner actually within 2 weeks in Austin, Texas where Tucker lives, hit it off, had a lot of common interests and started lamenting the current state of dating advice to young men.

That really dominated this first dinner conversation and was the seed that launched the whole Mate book. Brett Mc. Kay: You guys started off with a website before the book which is jam- packed with great information there. Geoffrey Miller: Yeah. We’ve been running this website called Mating Grounds for about the last 1. We have our own podcast series which includes mostly answering questions from guys and giving the best evidence- based advice that we can but also we’ve got interviews with experts. We’ve also got a case study of a young guy that Tucker knows, Joe, where we’ve been coaching him for 3.

There’s a lot of content there. Brett Mc. Kay: You mentioned that there’s really not that much information out there about dating or if there is information out there, it’s not that great which is surprising because dating, relationships, mating, that’s a big part of life. Like what Freud said, it’s all the reason life is work and love. Geoffrey Miller: Exactly. Brett Mc. Kay: It’s like personal finance, right? No one ever really sits you down and talk about money even though money is the thing that we all spend most of our time doing.

Why is that? Why don’t we spend more time on something that’s so important or teaching skills or insights that’s something that’s so important in our life? Geoffrey Miller: That’s a really good question. Tucker and I actually wrote thousands of words about this that didn’t make it into the book just for reasons of space. There’s a whole back story about why has modern culture failed young men extremely and profoundly.

I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that anything to do with sex and dating and mating and marriage is very politically controversial. People have really different ideologies about it.

A public high school can’t really teach a course on how to do dating and mating effectively because it would be seen as biased or partisan or inappropriate. Also, parents feel like they just don’t understand the current mating situation.

The technology of mating is moving so fast like texting and online dating and the way that dates happen. Grandparents and parents don’t feel like their expertise is that relevant to young people even though a lot of it actually is because human nature doesn’t change that much. Then, there’s people seeking to make a bunch of money off of insecure young men, basically scammers and slightly sociopathic pickup artists trying to sell their weekend programs. Not all of them are bad. Some of them have good insights but the economic model that they have is very different from what we’re doing in Mate. We’re just like, “We’re going to stick it all in one book.

It’s fairly cheap. That’s what we know.” Other folks are more like, “How can we make thousands of dollars out of young men’s insecurity before we give away useful information.”Brett Mc. Kay: Was there a time in our culture when we passed on this information about successful courtship and successful mating? Geoffrey Miller: I think there have been cultures that had more effective initiation rites where once you hit puberty, if you’re a young boy or girl, the elders will take you off into the bush and teach you stuff. Normally, that stuff was considered sacred and secret.

A lot of it had to do with hunting and gathering, not necessarily with mating but a lot of it was sexual wisdom. We don’t really know honestly what was taught in those context but at least, the elders of the tribe made an effort. They did have these ritualized settings and events that tried to teach young men what they needed to know. Brett Mc. Kay: Got you.

Let’s get into some of the meat of your book about research- backed tips at what men can do to improve their dating life, their love life. You started off talking about confidence. I thought it was really interesting because a lot of success in dating is based on confidence because you say a lot of success in life is based on confidence. Christian Dating Colorado. How do you build confidence for dating? Is it something that if you get confident in one area of your life, it carries over to dating or is confidence domain specific? Geoffrey Miller: We put a chapter on confidence right at the beginning of the book because it was the number 1 question that guys called in with to the podcast. They wanted to know, number 1, how do I get more confident, number 2, conversation, how do I talk to women.

I think you can build your confidence. A lot of it is based on demonstrated performance. There’s a few tricks. There’s a few life hacks you can use to boost your confidence temporarily in a particular domain but in the mate book, we’re really about what are the sustainable long term ways that you can increase your confidence particularly around women. Basically, that means you have to go out and have experience and interactions and build up the traits that you know will be attractive to women.

It’s very hard to feel confident if you don’t understand what women really want and if you know you haven’t cultivated the traits that they really want because then, you get this impostor syndrome where you feel like, “Okay, maybe I can talk a good line. Maybe I’ve got a good approach,” but it feels like a house of cards.

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