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I remember my grandfather talking about the brewery when I was a child.
Name: Jean Nash
- Monday, March 3, 2. Saturday, Jan 1. 1, 2. Name: Dick Bendix
- Saturday, January 1. I have a recording of the jingle on an old 3. Name: Becky
- Sunday, December 1, 2. I think it could be there red label beer that was made at the latest early 1. I have pics of it.

Christain Internet Dating

I'd anyone would know a value of it I would appreciate it. I actually work where the old brewery use to be. I also found an old steel case that says Brennon Brewery from Youngstown Ohio
Name: Travis Herbert
- Friday, July 2. Matz
- Sunday, April 1. East Liverpool Ohio on the bottom is 1. Mansfield, Ohio and also the Renner & Weber BR'G Co Mansfield, O wooden barrel lid in super condition. To clean, wash with cold or lukewarm water.

Manufacturer . Brewed in Akron. Akron O alone the edge. Thanks
Name: george
- Tuesday, October 9, 2. Weast Special Brew, Age, Purity, Strength.

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You get them. We all get them. As you read this, if you are still living and breathing, you are receiving the blessings of God every single. Internet fraud advisory. The fake job offer fraud.

Any history?
Name: Janet
- Saturday, July 2. I remember his beer of choice at the tavern was always P. O. C. Great memories and I later discovered a great beer.
Name: Michael Kearns
- Wednesday, July 2. Clair 1. 91. 0- 1. Kopper
- Monday, July 2. Im not looking to profit but for those of you collecting Im in strongsville and have no use for it.

Thanks for your work. I have an old beer tap. The pressure cylinder is nickel plated and embossed . The wood pump knob is cherry. The tap itself is cast brass . I would like to know more about it please. I also have a Bavarian Brewing Co.

Toledo O, wooden beer case I found during a barn demolition in Liberty Center, Ohio. Thanks for your work. I have an old beer tap. The pressure cylinder is nickel plated and embossed . The wood pump knob is cherry. The tap itself is cast brass . I would like to know more about it please.

Yellow outer ring about 2. Any idea on worth or a place to sell. Thank you. Gary 4. Name: Gary
- Thursday, May 1. Deible on 4/1/1. 91. I would so like to give to remaining family members.

There are other details inside which i will use for identity. I see that he was involved in Ohio Breweriana.
Name: becky
- Saturday, May 5, 2.

The date on it is 1. Please email me! Thank You!
Name: Brenda Bible
- Saturday, April 2. Is it worth anything?
Name: Ken
- Thursday, March 1.

I grew up near the Brewery District and German Village and have collected for years. Please keep me in your records for upcoming emails.

Name: Mary. Ann Lawrence
- Thursday, March 8, 2. Sorry to hear the brewery was no longer open.

It would have been nice to visit. This website proved to be of assistance in ID'ng the company and details. An excellent, well written and informative site for my research. Many thanks.
Name: john nathanjpn. Sunday, January 1. If anyone interested will make great deal.

Just getting rid of some stuff. Huster, President of the Burger brewing company through the mid 2. Century (1. 93. 4- 1. Would love to talk to anyone familiar with the brewery's history!
Name: William J. Huster, IV
- Saturday, November 2. I would like to sell it if I can.

I would like to know what it may be worth? Name: Robert Cook
- Sunday, November 6, 2. I would like to sell it if I can. I would like to know what it may be worth? Name: Robert Cook
- Sunday, November 6, 2. Please call me or email me if interested.

It was owned by husband's great grandparents.
Name: Beverly Cressey
- Monday, October 1. Name: Scott
- Tuesday, October 4, 2. I would like to know the age of this bottle. I would like to know the age of this bottle. The glass is almost metallic looking. Rozman inquiry dated January 9, 2.

G M Diehl is my gg- uncle. I also have a fort pitt beer sign that I also can't get information on and it also lights up. Believe it was built by a relative of Otto Leisy (owner of Leisy Brewery), it could have been his son Herbert Leisy.

Historical Society. The label says its Guckenheimer Rye Wiskey bottled in Marion,Ohio. If you have any knowledge about this bottle I would like to hear from you. It looks like the workers that built the house might of put it there. The house was behind the church on Church Street behind the City Hall building.
Name: James
- Monday, July 1. Does anyone here have any info on it or would anyone be interested in purchasng it?
Name: Kathryn Quasebarth
- Thursday, May 1. It is embossed.
Name: Sandy Martens
- Monday, April 2.

I also have 6 that are not in the box.
Name: Donna Morsbach
- Sunday, March 2. Is there any way to purchase a remake of a beer tray or mug, I would like to find something for my 8. Mother. I recall Grandpa brewing beer in the garage too way back.
Name: Alexis
- Tuesday, March 1. Franklin Brewing Company was in Columbus. However it is listed as a Deleware Corp.

My brother and I are looking for any embossed beer bottles which read . Roche
- Monday, January 3. The use of egg whites really showed an impressive knowledge of the brewing arts.
Name: Lawrence
- Saturday, January 2. In looking at old Ohio maps of the area in that time frame the Brewery does show up for one of the years. Google Kaenzig brewery and you will get more info. There is also a tie in to Leisy's as when the Kaenzig brewery disappeared Kenzig showed up working as a truck driver at the brewery and another Kenzig as Ron has stated above worked as a brewmaster.

- Sunday, January 9, 2. Cleveland only and No bottles. It has a 6 pointed star with a dot in each point and a fancy L in the middle. It has a small 5 point star in a circle with 2 next to it near the bottom of the bottle. You can find me on yahoo.
Name: leftyjacks
- Saturday, November 2.

F Stein Brewery in Buffalo. That was my Great Grandfather as well. Would like to contact her as when the Brewery closed the 5 Brother's went their separate ways and we have not met many of the relatives over the years. Thx
Name: Bill Stein
- Wednesday, October 1. I love and miss my hometown snd classmates very much. States Diehl Centennial Beer.

Name: deb bowers
- Saturday, August 2. I will send picts
Name: George Boticke
- Sunday, August 2. I live. in Las Vegas and was offered $3. Aug 9, 2. 01. 0 every bar person offers. Name: Cal
- Thursday, August 1. New Straitsville is located in Perry Co., Ohio, SE Ohio, and hosts the annual Moonshine Festival. I just looked the marking up and it led me to your page.

Bottle is not broken and in good shape!! He has recently followed his interest in opening a microbrewery.

I would really love to get him some old recipes from the Leisy Brewing Companies. Anyone have any suggestions on where to find such a thing?
Name: Kellie
- Tuesday, July 2. It is in real nice shape. Has the view of Riverfront Stadium and the Cincy skyline . I have had this for years and would sell or trade for any vintage Lemp Beer signs. Please contact me at cirera. My grandmother on my father's side of family was Ferdinand Herman Eick's daughter born Elsa Rosa Eick 1.

Martins Ferry,OH. My great uncle was Albert William Eick, who took over the duties of my great grandfather when he past away in 1. I knew him quite well, he past away in 1. I only have 1 empty bottle which is over 1.

Thank You for all the information on Belmont Brewing Co., very informative.
Name: William V. Carenbauer
- Thursday, June 1.

Gehring who founded the Gehring Brewing Co. Thank you, Kay Ruffini I am interested in anything pertaining to that brewery
Name: Kay Ruffini
- Saturday, May 2. How old and how nuch is something like this worth.
Name: nichole dalton
- Wednesday, May 1. It is stamped Defiance Oh on the bottom. Looks pretty old it is also stamped trade mark registered bottle pat'd dec 2. Name: scott jaegly
- Thursday, April 2. In Columbus, Ohio, next to a railroad tressel.

I pulled an object out of the gravel in the edge of the water. It looked like porceline and very old. I took it home in my tackle box and forgot about it. I went fishing a couple of weeks later and found the item and put it in box in the garage. As I was cleaning the garage April 2. I found the item and started cleaning it up to see what the markings were on it. Columbus Ohio. The logo is on a verticle circle sitting on a horizontal circle that sealed the bottle.

I found this web site and discovered the story behind the Born Co. Can anyone tell me the age of this item? Thanks
Name: Mike Thompson
- Tuesday, April 2.

East Liverpool Ohio the bottom stamped 8. B and the back opposite the raised lettering A B CO. I've contact most of the museums an they do not collect steins
Name: Gene Nick
- Saturday, February 1. I recently found an old bottle that says born & co. Columbus, Ohio on it. Dating A Mondaine Watch.

That's what brought me to this site. I was wondering if anyone would know the age and the value of this bottle.
Name: Scott
- Wednesday, February 3, 2. I was given the following and have no clue what they would be worth.

Any help would be very helpful. Thanks
Name: Nate Dunno
- Wednesday, February 3, 2. Keep us posted if there is any other info-
Name: Betsi swift Morris
- Monday, December 1. Has a landscape in the back ground. Must be Youngstown. Also A very King Kole beer sign card board.. Old Shay and Fort Pitt Card Board signs.

All look like they are from the early 3. All are very old and delicate. Anyone looking for this type of Stuff. Please feel free to cantact me.
Name: Dave Shearrow
- Saturday, December 5, 2. IS IT WORTH ANYTHING?
Name: Staashy
- Saturday, November 2.

Glass bottle. Is it worth anything? No scratches or anything.
Name: Aaron
- Wednesday, November 4, 2. What an amazing find and an amazing story.
Name: Adam Madsen
- Wednesday, November 4, 2.

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